“Does your child or teenager need help with any emotional, behavioural or social challenges?”
Counselling helps your child to understand, manage and overcome many different personal challenges, such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger
- Friendship problems
- Asperger’s related issues
Counselling will empower your child to work towards achieving valuable personal and educational goals.
“When is child counselling useful?”
Whenever a situation bothers your child enough that it interferes with their ability to:
- Concentrate in class or at work
- Do their schoolwork
- Communicate with parents
- Sleep
- Interact with friends
- Or enjoy life.
“Is counselling confidential?”
All counselling is confidential. Information is only revealed to others with client consent, except where there is a serious risk to the client or to others.
You are invited back into each session for the final 5-10 minutes for a review of the progress made and to discuss any new goals or homework.
“How many sessions are required?”
Typically around six sessions with a few weekly sessions to quickly get on top of things and a few fortnightly sessions to reinforce healthy habits. Following that a few less frequent follow-up sessions are often helpful to review progress, reinforce new skills and set new goals.
Parents often see some quick improvements within the first few sessions however research has shown that it typically takes 2-3 months of practice to effectively form new habits.
“What’s the next step?”
The next step is to book an initial parent consultation.
This is your opportunity to meet the psychologist, discuss the background issues in detail and get the right advice for your child’s needs.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions and make an informed decision before you book any appointments for your child.
Click the button below and follow the prompts to book now: