R U OK? Signs of Depression in Children

Thursday of last week was national “R U OK?” day — a day when we are inspired to meaningfully connect with the people around us who may be struggling.

“R U OK?” aims to support people suffering from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety by increasing awareness, encouraging friends and family to reach out, and teaching ways to help and support those around us.

45% of Australians will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime, and one in seven will experience depression.

And while “R U OK?” has an emphasis on suicide prevention, it does bring up the important issue of being aware and open about mental health issues with those around us, and to take away the stigma from these increasingly common challenges.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the warning signs of depression in young people.

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Mindful Pauses — How 30 Seconds of Meditation Can Help to Relieve Anxiety

We recently discussed the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and how we use the principles with children in our counselling sessions.

And, while there’s many ways to practice meditation, the benefits of a few moments of meditation a day can go a very long way.

Meditation teacher Jon Krop has listed a few key ways that you or your kids can get some calm and quiet in your life every day, or whenever you need it.

It comes in the form of what he calls a ‘mindful pause’.

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The Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation For Kids and Adults Alike!

Not too long ago meditation was thought of as some sort of mysterious ritual conducted in spiritual retreats, rather than at the doctor’s office or psychology clinic.

But in fact meditation and mindfulness are psychological processes and science has discovered many practical benefits to their practice.

Just like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy — one of the most extensively researched and practised psychological treatments — mindfulness addresses the connection between your thoughts, attitudes, behaviour and feelings.

And it can be particularly beneficial in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

So how do our psychologists use mindfulness and meditation in counselling sessions with children?

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What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

If you’ve ever visited a psychologist, or even considered it, you’ve probably heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

And while the name might sound a little complex, it’s actually one of the most practical, simple, and commonly used approaches to dealing with many types of emotional, behavioural and psychiatric problems.

Plus there’s lots of scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.

But what is it, exactly?

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Anxiety in Younger Children – Why Early Intervention Matters

You’re probably familiar with the term ‘early intervention’…

(Which means taking action as early as possible to support children’s physical, mental and emotional needs.)

Well, research has shown that dealing with child anxiety as soon as possible can be hugely beneficial…

And when early intervention is not applied?

This often leads to more serious anxiety related challenges in adolescence and adulthood…

So what does excessive child anxiety look like?

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When “Forever” Changes: How to Help Your Child Cope With Separation or Divorce

Divorce is an emotional rupture.

There is never going to be an easy way to talk to your children about separation and divorce. No two cases are the same, which means that navigating the practical and emotional challenges with your child will depend on your individual circumstances and situation.

And if you are like many of the parents that we see at our practice, you may find yourself feeling totally overwhelmed and wondering where to begin and what to say…

So with that in mind, here are some ideas and suggestions that might be useful to you.

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4 Ways to Help Children Worry Less

We all worry from time to time, but it can be challenging for parents when a child worries too much…

Some kids may worry a lot about only one thing, such as speaking in front of their classmates…

Other kids may worry about lots of different things…

Such as being late, getting sick, having no one to play with at school, upcoming tests or not being good at sport…

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11 Symptoms of Anxiety in Children and 4 Steps to Help

Anxiety is the most common challenge faced by children and adults alike.

And, if left unchecked, it can lead to debilitating problems that prevent children from reaching their full potential…

Sometimes anxiety is obvious but the symptoms can often be vague and develop gradually over time.

In fact, sometimes parents may not even be aware that a child’s difficulties are related to their anxiety…

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Why Do People Engage in Self-Harm?

Counselling a child to help them to stop their self-harming behaviour is hard work.

Many bewildered parents and novice therapists are unaware of, or overlook, the fact that the behaviour has very powerful psycho-physiological rewards.

Self-harm (or self-injury) is known to slow down heart rate and breathing rates, and floods the body with feel-good endorphins.

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Is Your Child Experiencing Nightmares or Night Terrors?

Nightmares occur during the dream (Rapid Eye Movement, REM) stages of sleep, usually very late at night or in the early in the morning.

After a nightmare, a child will usually be responsive, will know who you are and be reassured or soothed back to sleep.

The child may or may not remember the content of the dream, but if you ask them about it the next morning, they’ll usually remember that they had a nightmare.

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(*As of 24th July, 2019.)

  • Private and confidential: We are a private service so you will receive 100% independent and confidential advice.
  • Child and adolescent experts: We only work with school age children, teenagers and parents.
  • Education and school experts: We will help you navigate the school system to get the best possible results for your child.
  • Qualified and experienced: We only employ psychologists with a master degree or higher and experience working in schools.
  • Fast appointments: We don't keep a waiting list and see most new clients within 7 days.
  • Convenient location: We are in Middle Park with easy access from many parts of Melbourne and unrestricted street parking.
  • Trusted methods: We use approaches that are strongly supported by research evidence or clinical experience.
  • Lovely beachside office: You will love our quiet, modern and attractive office, with its beach and ocean-themed rooms.