Treatments for Autism And Other Disorders – How to Tell Science From Pseudoscience

I was reading this recent article by Andrew Whitehouse, which discusses the negative impacts of promoting untested theories.

Andrew focuses in particular on the field of autism and the abundance of theories that purport to explain, identify and treat the condition. As he discusses, there is, unfortunately, a decent percentage of autism theories that remain precisely that – theories.

This scenario might sound familiar if you have a loved one on the Autism Spectrum or a child with a learning difficulty, developmental disorder, or even a mood disorder.

There are an incredible number of theories out there about “why” these disorders exist and “how” a miracle treatment will have your child happily overcoming the difficulty that is troubling them. These theories can get your hopes up and may even prompt you to plonk your money down for the latest treatment faster than lightning.

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High-Functioning Autism And Funding

The purpose of government funding for students with disabilities is to improve educational outcomes and wellbeing.

Before we go any further, let me just clarify that there is no clear evidence to suggest that Asperger’s Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism (HF Autism) are two separate disorders.* Therefore, I will refer to both as HF Autism.

(* If you want to know more about the difference between Asperger’s Syndrome and HF Autism please read Tony Attwood’s comments on the topic.)

So how can funding help your child with HF Autism?

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