How to Encourage Your Child to Play Independently (Whilst Avoiding Parental Guilt!)

Do you struggle to find a balance between spending time with your children versus focusing on your own activities?

Serious parental guilt can ensue if you feel you can’t spend as much one-to-one time with your children as you would like — playing with them, helping them with homework, encouraging them, listening to their worries and helping them reflect on how life is going.

BUT… did you know that it’s also important to teach your children how to play independently?

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7 Steps to Break the Nagging Cycle

No one wants to be a nag, right?

Have you ever heard your children, friends or spouse impersonate you when you are nagging? (… And thought to yourself, “Oh my god, do I really sound like that?!”)

Nagging is actually a very ineffective way of getting someone to do something for you. It’s like a part of their brain switches off when they hear that tone.

It often makes our family members avoid us, tune us out (selective listening), become defensive and frustrated. It doesn’t make them want to do what we ask.  They may do it eventually but they’ll be resentful about it. We are also teaching others that they can wait until the tenth request before actually having to do anything.

Here are seven steps to help break the nagging cycle in your home:

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How to Help Your Child Survive (And Even Thrive) During VCE – Part 3 of 3

(This is the third and final post in this series. Click here for part 1 | Click here for part 2)

What else can I do to help?

Here are some ideas to help your son or daughter stay on top of things and reduce stress levels during the VCE years.

Getting Organised

1. Prepare a schedule

Help your son or daughter come up with a daily and weekly schedule.

Try putting leisure and non-academic activities into the schedule first, such as:

  • Part-time work
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Family time
  • Time with friends
  • Time spent relaxing

Then, fit in study blocks (usually 45 minutes) around the activities.

Encourage them to take frequent short breaks away from their desk!

Short breaks should be about 5 minutes for every 40-50 minutes of study.

Breaks should be energising and can involve activities such as:

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How to Help Your Child Survive (And Even Thrive) During VCE – Part 2 of 3

(This is the second post in a three part series. Click here for part 1)

Communication is Key

It can be easy to tell yourself, “if my child is worried, they will tell me”, or, “if they need help with schoolwork, they will tell me”, but the ways teenagers communicate their feelings are not always so straightforward…

1. Make the first move

Sitting back and waiting for your teenage son or daughter to come to you could lead to you are waiting an awfully long time!

You are the adult and parent, so take the first step to show them you care.

2. Timing

Catch them at the right moment to have a chat or make a request. Timing is very important!

Some good times to open up are…

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How to Help Your Child Survive (And Even Thrive) During VCE – Part 1 of 3

(This is the first post in a three part series.)

The Causes and Symptoms of Stress

VCE* is the most stressful period of school that your child will undertake. Even the most capable student can feel overwhelmed from time-to-time.

(*The Victorian Certificate of Education covers the final two years of secondary school.)

What’s more, stress can not only compromise your child’s ability to achieve their full academic potential…but it can also take a toll on their health, their relationships with friends and family and their emotional wellbeing.

So what can you do about it?

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Why have 2,866* parents chosen us?

(*As of 24th July, 2019.)

  • Private and confidential: We are a private service so you will receive 100% independent and confidential advice.
  • Child and adolescent experts: We only work with school age children, teenagers and parents.
  • Education and school experts: We will help you navigate the school system to get the best possible results for your child.
  • Qualified and experienced: We only employ psychologists with a master degree or higher and experience working in schools.
  • Fast appointments: We don't keep a waiting list and see most new clients within 7 days.
  • Convenient location: We are in Middle Park with easy access from many parts of Melbourne and unrestricted street parking.
  • Trusted methods: We use approaches that are strongly supported by research evidence or clinical experience.
  • Lovely beachside office: You will love our quiet, modern and attractive office, with its beach and ocean-themed rooms.